Saturday, July 13, 2013


My "Boyfriend" shouldn't feel like a stranger... That's probably a bad sign huh? And the "quotations" probably don't help. But I I might have mentioned before, I didn't feel a real difference when we decided to make it "official" I didn't get a leap of joy or any rush of emotions like..."finally! this is just what I wanted!" Even though just a few months back thats what I thought I wanted. Now...I'm just confused. Sorta. Maybe I'm just not suppose to be with him. Or...guys. .........Right? I don't know. How is anyone suppose to know? -Also two posts within an hour? Guess its serious. Or the booze.

I don't feel it

I just don't know if I can do it anymore. I don't feel like i'm in a relationship. I can't help compare my feelings to the butterflies I once had, whether it was with him or with that time in my life I still look back on and yearn for. I don't feel passion. I don't feel anything really. Maybe contempt...or anger...annoyance mostly. It's almost like I'm empty. What is wrong with me? Why can't I feel things anymore? Why don't I feel them for him? What changed between a few months? Seriously. What the fuck is wrong with me.